Charles Washington Lapham

Charles Washington Lapham (b.1809 d.1898)

In 1825, at the age of sixteen, Charles Washington Lapham began his lifelong career at the Sandwich glass factory. The factory was built in Sandwich in 1825 by Deming Jarves as the Sandwich Glass Manufactory. Charles was granted the honor of gathering the first piece of glass at the factory’s opening on July 4th, 1825. Charles began as an apprentice at the factory and eventually became a glassblower, working his way to the position of glasshouse overseer (foreman) and assistant to Theodore Kern, the glasshouse superintendent. He remained with the company for over 50 years until he was forced to retire in 1878 due to an eye injury.  

Our online archives have multiple references to "old Gaffer Lapham", as he became affectionately known in his sunset years.

His obituary as it appeared in the Sandwich Independent on Oct. 25, 1898 read as follows:

“One of our oldest and best known citizens passed away on Thursday night in the person of Charles Washington Lapham, at the advanced age of 88 years. Mr. Lapham was the oldest of a family of six brothers and sisters, only one of whom, Mrs. H.E. Swift of Boston remains. He was a native of Campobello, N.B., but when very young, his parents removed to Boston and afterward to Cambridge.

At the age of 13, he went to work in the glass factory [in Cambridge] where he remained three years. Deming Jarves, who was building the glass factory in Sandwich, engaged the young man and his brother to come to this place and enter his employ. The boys left Boston June 27, 1825, on the packet Splendid, arriving in Sandwich the same day. They were put to work at once, helping arrange matters for the opening of the business which took place on July 4.

Mr. Lapham rose steadily from on position to another, until he became a manger. He remained in employ of the company until an injury to his right eye prevented further labor. At the time of his death, he was said to have been the oldest glass maker in the country.

At the age of 22, Mr. Lapham was married to Miss Eliza Fessenden, a daughter of Thomas Fessenden. Six children were born to them, three of whom are now living. Mrs. Lapham died in 1888, and since that time he has made his home with his daughter, Mrs. Hall. Until very recently Mr. Lapham has enjoyed good health and retained his faculties to a remarkable degree.

When the manufacture of glass ware was resumed in Sandwich in 1895, Mr. Lapham was invited by the manager to gather the first pieces of molten glass, an honor of which he was very proud.

He is buried in Mt. Hope Cemetery. He left 3 children and 2 grandchildren.”

And the newspaper headline on the day of his death time read:

“Charles W. Lapham Dead.

Oldest Manufacturer of Glassware in Country — Well-Known in Sandwich and Vicinity

SANDWICH, Oct. 21– Mr. Charles Washington Lapham, the oldest manufacturer of glassware in the country died here today at the age of 89 years. Mr Charles W. Lapham was born at Campobello N B, on Oct 25, 1809. When he was two years of age his father, who had been a sea captain, moved with his family to Boston. The family settled in what was called at the time South st ct, which has since been wiped out of existence by the march of business.

From Boston his parent removed to Cambridge. When he was about 13 years of age he went to work in the glass works, and continued there for nearly three years. A Mr Jarvis, who was building a glass factory at Sandwich, then engaged him and his brother to go there and work for him.

On June 27, 1825, the boys took passage on the packet Splendid at Boston and reached Sandwich the same day.

They were apprenticed to their new employer until their majority, and were put to work around the factory, helping to put things in order for the opening of the business, which took place on July 4 of that year.

He used to tell young men who complained of wages that he received $2 a week and a suit of clothes a year until his 18th birthday, when his pay was raised to $3 a week until his majority, when he got men’s pay.

At the age of 22 Mr Lapham married the daughter of Thomas Fessenden, one of the early settlers of this place. The couple had six children, three of whom are living. He continued working in the factory, where he became a manager, until an injury to his right eye obliged him to resign.

His sons also worked there, and one of them, Charles H., held the position of bookkeeper there for 25 years, until the time of his death.

In his early days Mr. Lapham was a member of the town brass band and a great lover of fast horses. He owned and drove some of the fastest in his section, and was known to horsemen all over the southeastern part of the state.

For some years he has made his home with his daughter, Mrs C. B. Hall, in one of the handsomest residences in town. He has always enjoyed fairly good health and retained his faculties to a remarkable degree up to the time of his death.

When the manufacture of glassware was resumed in Sandwich a few years ago Mr Lapham was invited by the manager of the new company to gather the first pieces of molten glass, an honor of which he was very proud.

Mr Lapham was known to everyone in this section and was universally respected. He was known as a man whose word was as good as a bond.”


Charles Lapham (R) b. 1809 blew first piece of Sandwich Glass when 16 yrs old in 1825. He also blew the first piece of glass when the factory reopened briefly in 1895. To his left in this image is George D. Jarves, son of Deming Jarves.


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